One of the most important things after you close on a home is making sure you record items like a Deed of Trust of Assignment of Rents, almost immediately. This lets the state and county know that you are the owner of said property. 1A decade ago, you would have had to drive to the courthouse, locate the recording division, and wait for someone to assist you in recording your document. Not to mention you would need a check to go along with the number of pages you are filing. But these days you
Homebuying Tips
Debt to Income Ratio FAQ: What You Need to Know
Investor FAQ Paul Lamnatos At Blink, we pride ourselves on being available 24/7 to answer questions for Real Estate Investors, whether seasoned pros at investing or brand-new investors with unique questions. We recently got this question, and in 17 years in the business, I think this was a first, yet a very important question, so read up. Question 1: How does purchasing an investment home before purchasing my primary home impact my primary home loan options? Answer: In short, this
BPMI or LPMI? Deciding on Private Mortgage Insurance
What is Private Mortgage Insurance? Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is a type of insurance that a borrower might be required to buy as a condition of a conventional mortgage loan. Most Approval Departments require PMI when a homebuyer makes a down payment of less than 20% of the home's purchase price or when you are refinancing a loan with less than 20% equity. When a borrower makes a down payment of less than 20% of the property's value, the mortgage's loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is over