If you're a homeowner in Texas, there's one simple step that could save you money year after year—filing for your homestead exemption. This powerful benefit is designed to lower your property taxes and protect your home’s taxable value from significant increases. At Blink Lending, we want to ensure you make the most of homeownership by understanding this key advantage. Here’s everything you need to know about the Texas homestead exemption and how it works. What Is a Homestead
Homebuying Tips
Home Buying for Retirement: Tips & Tricks
Can You Buy a Home if You Are Retired, Yes You CAN! This blog is going to deal with the details around how to buy a home when you are retired. I often get told by clients that they are too old to get a mortgage because no matter what their age the are going to die before the loan comes to term. My answer is always the same yes you can and who cares if you die, seriously why are you so worried about a bank’s money? Let’s be honest you will most likely
Real Estate: A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Home
Utilizing All Your income from Every Source This Blog is going to review the different types of income and the requirements to utilize each type of income no matter how rare. Before we dive into this subject, we must first state that conventional approval departments will not allow anyone to use unreported income, Income is either sourced through your tax returns, award letters or your W2s. First lets discuss what makes income
Lowering Your Down Payment: Tips & Tricks
What Is A Combo Loan And How Can We Apply It For A New Home Purchase? What is a Combo Loan and how we can we apply it for a new home purchase? The Combo Loan program is used to purchase a home at a higher purchase price ($700,000-$940,000) without having to put down the full 20%. More and more often, clients are looking to purchase a higher priced home, but without the hassle of having to put 20% down, so they start to get creative and look in a different direction. Most homebuyers are
Applying for a Mortgage: Should You Apply With Your Spouse?
Question 2: My husband and I do not currently have any mortgage loans, is it better to have both of us on the mortgages or just one of us? This depends if you ever anticipate owning rental properties. Silly question based on the above question, but I thought the information would be useful. If you don’t plan to own any rental properties, I’m a fan of both spouses being on the loan. The main reason being if either of you ever have questions, you’ll both be able to call your
20% Down Payment Myth: Debunked
Do I need to save 20% to buy a house? Conventional wisdom says “yes” however with modern lending interest rates & mortgage insurance rates the answer is “if you have to save the 20%, NO if you just have the 20% available then go for it”. Interest rates are at a point that it makes sense to borrower as much money as you can & to keep as much cash in your bank/investments as possible. This is twofold, first there is a good chance that your money if invested will make more