One of the most important things after you close on a home is making sure you record items like a Deed of Trust of Assignment of Rents, almost immediately. This lets the state and county know that you are the owner of said property. A decade ago, you would have had to drive to the courthouse, locate the recording division, and wait for someone to assist you in recording your document. Not to mention you would need a check to go along with the number of pages you are filing. But these days you can submit files for recording online, making it easier than ever. The best part is that most of these submissions can be recorded the same day.
There are a couple of websites we use at Blink, like eRecording Partners and ePrepare, which are both easy to sign up with. They both have amazing staff that can assist you in the maintenance and billing of your account. Between the two, we can access the majority of the counties here in Texas. Once you have spoken to a representative, they will get you signed up with a contract as well as your direct billing information. They bill as you go so you don’t have to worry about a hefty invoice at the end of the month. We’re all about convenience for your clients here at Blink.
In order to submit the document for recording, you will have it scanned to your computer. No scanner? No problem! Your phone most likely offers a few free scanner apps that can assist you with sending the documents to your computer. Once the document is accessible on your laptop, you, save it under a reliable name and file. Open the recording website and ensure that you are making a new submission. Also, always double check that you are submitting to the correct county. You can find this information in the documents that you are looking to record. Some edits may need to be made such as moving from a letter document to legal, but after everything is good to go, click submit.
For most counties, if a document is sent before 2:00pm, you might have the document back the same day, which is why we highly recommend E-Recording items. It can greatly increase your productivity and turn around times. Also, getting documents back to your clients in a timely manner is always a huge plus!